223 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game
Overall Stats
Ranking Score 2772
H Rating 75%
Win Ratio 46.1% (88/191 games)
Players Played 934
Players Eliminated 195
Average game size 5.9
Last Game Played 15th Apr 2014 14:31
Game Win Ratios
2 Player Games 65.3% (47/72 games)
4 Player Games 55.6% (5/9 games)
5 Player Games 40.0% (8/20 games)
6 Player Games 42.1% (8/19 games)
7 Player Games 35.7% (5/14 games)
8 Player Games 53.3% (8/15 games)
9 Player Games 0.0% (0/8 games)
10 Player Games 22.2% (2/9 games)
11 Player Games 0.0% (0/1 games)
12 Player Games 20.0% (2/10 games)
14 Player Games 0.0% (0/2 games)
16 Player Games 25.0% (3/12 games)
Board Name Ranking Score Points H Rating Played Won Win Ratio Last Played
A Maze Maze Maze Maze world! 984 1 0 0.0% 2012-07-03 22:26
Africa 1118 86% 2 1 50.0% 2013-03-07 19:20
Anarchy 965 2 0 0.0% 2012-03-15 00:50
Antastic! 1538 81% 9 2 22.2% 2013-08-22 00:18
Australian Risk 1063 67% 5 2 40.0% 2012-09-16 17:58
Balance 1020 100% 1 1 100.0% 2014-03-30 06:47
Base 9 1020 100% 1 1 100.0% 2014-03-30 06:55
Battle for New York 980 1 0 0.0% 2012-01-27 19:32
Bingo 980 1 0 0.0% 2012-01-27 19:07
Britain of Old 1292 1 100% 4 4 100.0% 2013-03-07 02:41
Captain's Log 982 1 0 0.0% 2012-01-23 18:46
Chutes and Ladders 980 1 0 0.0% 2012-01-23 22:50
Civil War 1247 85% 3 1 33.3% 2013-04-09 12:02
Clue 961 2 0 0.0% 2012-11-25 16:39
Colossal Crusade 1001 25% 4 1 25.0% 2013-02-04 11:48
Doom's Crescent Isle 984 1 0 0.0% 2012-02-11 18:18
Dungeon 1060 100% 1 1 100.0% 2013-03-04 04:24
Europe 1560 1388 96% 5 4 80.0% 2012-06-20 12:00
Fall of Rome 1005 50% 2 1 50.0% 2012-05-05 00:19
Fallout 980 1 0 0.0% 2012-03-31 08:29
Gauntlet 1093 75% 4 2 50.0% 2013-02-28 18:51
Global Warfare 1251 92% 3 2 66.7% 2012-07-03 17:22
Happy Holidays! 980 1 0 0.0% 2012-01-24 10:54
Infection 985 1 0 0.0% 2012-11-19 22:09
Invention 985 1 0 0.0% 2012-02-22 23:55
Labyrinth: Cretan Minotaur 960 2 0 0.0% 2012-03-14 04:07
Lord of the Gears 984 1 0 0.0% 2012-03-13 19:21
Mars 1094 100% 1 1 100.0% 2012-02-17 07:58
Medieval Europe 1138 100% 1 1 100.0% 2012-04-14 21:56
Micro Mission 979 1 0 0.0% 2012-07-18 17:28
My Kingdom 1096 100% 1 1 100.0% 2012-04-07 13:59
New World Gear 1101 100% 1 1 100.0% 2013-02-13 20:20
North America 982 1 0 0.0% 2012-02-09 09:24
Northwest Passage 982 1 0 0.0% 2013-01-06 13:45
Of Kings and Men 981 1 0 0.0% 2013-01-16 16:30
Olympics 961 2 0 0.0% 2012-06-28 12:23
Pangaea: Rise of the Chimp 961 2 0 0.0% 2013-06-16 14:00
Pipeline 1294 2 100% 1 1 100.0% 2012-12-13 18:49
Random Mazes 929 4 0 0.0% 2012-05-03 15:52
Simple World 1098 100% 1 1 100.0% 2012-06-12 16:09
Super Metgear 951 3 0 0.0% 2013-05-21 18:16
The Maze 987 1 0 0.0% 2013-01-03 08:00
War 984 1 0 0.0% 2012-06-02 14:40
WarGear Warfare 2201 77% 99 58 58.6% 2014-04-15 14:31
World War 962 36% 8 1 12.5% 2013-03-02 16:02